TheTuapse municipal district is situated in the south of the Krasnodar Region. The length of Tuapse municipal district along the Black Sea coast from north to south is 80 km, and from east to west is 45 km. The district has all climatic advantages of the south of the European part of Russia and covers an area of 239.9 thousand hectares.
The height of the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range within the territory of the district from the northwest to the southeast increases from 700 m to 1,634 m. The mountain passes to the northwest of Indyuk Mountain do not exceed 518 m. Mountains to the southeast of Indyuk Mountain are also easily accessible for tourist trips of up to 900-1,255 m high.
The district is attractable largely due to the relief, combining gently sloping forms with intensely dissected and typically alpine ones. Sea terraces in the coastal zone with a surface close to the horizontal are extremely convenient for resort construction.
Three large rivers – the Shapsukho, Nechepsukho and Tuapse Rivers – have broad valleys in the lower part and very attractive canyons and waterfalls in the upper part. The climate of the district successfully combines the signs of the Mediterranean with a moist subtropical one.
All indicators of the moderate subtropical climate are very favorable for recreational use. Summer begins at the end of April and lasts until September inclusive. Sunny, warm and sub-humid days prevail during this period.
As for flora, the district is uniquely located at the junction of three floral subprovinces: Novorossiysk - Krymsk drought-resistant one in the northwest, Colchian hygrophilous one in the southeast and Euxine one in the north. So, here it is the extraordinary variety (over 1000) of wild plant species here. Orchids (31 species) and early spring plants, which effloresce in January and February, are especially attractive and valuable.
88% of the territory is covered with forest. The world’s largest grove of endemic Pitsunda pine is located in the Tuapse municipal district.
At present day, the Tuapse municipal district is an economically powerful, promising and attractive area for investors, and the city of Tuapse is a major oil refining center, a transport and railway junction and a strategic port.
Tuapse enterprises shipped products and provided various services in amount of more than 90 billion rubles in 2017.
The economy of the Tuapse municipal district includes the following sectors: industry, transport and logistics, resort and tourist complexes, as well as developed network of retail and catering enterprises.
The structure of the commercial turnover is as follows: industry accounts for 20%; transport - 23%; resort complex - 9%; trade and public catering - 37%.
The turnover of commercial enterprises in the Tuapse municipal district has grown by one third over the past five years. Over 290 billion rubles of investments were allocated for the development of the district.
Industry and transport demonstrate outstripping economic growth in the Tuapse municipal district. These sectors of the economy account for 90% of all investments in the district.
For 2013-2017, the volume of industrial production increased 2 times, the volume of work performed and services rendered in transportation increased 3 times. The Dzhubginskaya TPP was constructed in the district, and a number of investment projects were completed for the modernization of infrastructure facilities in the port of the city of Tuapse. Since 2006, the largest investment project for the fundamental modernization of the facilities of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC was implemented in the Krasnodar Region.
There were 68 industrial entities in the territory of the Tuapse municipal district in 2017. The volume of industrial production for the year amounted to 18 billion rubles. 87% of the industrial products shipped are accounted for by manufacturing industries.
The transportation system of the Tuapse municipal district includes a network of railways and highways, sea port terminals, as well as oil and gas pipelines.
The volume of transport and logistics services rendered in the territory of the Tuapse municipal district amounted to 21 billion rubles in 2017.
The resort and tourist complex of the Tuapse municipal district is represented by 417 institutions of various type of legal entity, capable of take up to 60 thousand vacationers during the holiday season.
Two million people taking into account one-day excursionists took a rest in the Tuapse municipal district in 2017.
The number of holidaymakers in the district increases by 1-2% every year. The volume of investment in the resort and tourist complex of the district increased 2.2 times for five years. Revenues of recreation establishments in 2017 amounted to 8 billion rubles that is 1.6 times more than in 2012.
1,672 entities operate in the consumer market of the Tuapse municipal district, including 1,116 in retail trade, 185 in public catering, and 229 consumer services enterprises.
1,523 trade facilities are additionally opened in summers, including 1,461 facilities of summer and non-stationary trade, and 62 points of public catering.
The retail turnover amounted to 31 billion rubles, and the turnover of public catering amounted to 3 billion rubles in 2017.
Agriculture of the Tuapse municipal district is represented by two agricultural enterprises of fruit specialization, peasant farm enterprises and personal subsidiary plots.
The volume of local agricultural products has increased by one third over the past five years. 18 thousand tons of fruits, nearly 3 thousand vegetables, 1.5 thousand tons of meat, and 5 thousand tons of milk were produced in the Tuapse municipal district in 2017. 1,697 head of cattle including 857 cows were grown in the district.
The efficiency of the production activity in the whole district over the five years has grown 6.7 times. The amount of profit for 2017 year exceeded 14 billion rubles, which is 3 times more than in 2012.
355 new high-tech jobs with a competitive salary level were created for five years. The average salary increased by 35%. The average salary at large and medium-sized enterprises of the district amounted to 33.5 thousand rubles in 2017.
The social sphere of the Tuapse municipal district is also developed against the background of success in economic growth.
The turn for enrolling children in pre-school educational institutions was eliminated in the education sphere. The construction of a school and a kindergarten in Tenginka Village is near completion currently.
As for the health care, the Tuapse municipal district has one of the highest levels of providing the population with hospital beds and outpatient departments in the Krasnodar Region. Two offices of a general practitioner were established, one first aid and obstetric station was transformed into the outpatient department, and a rehabilitation department and two palliative care departments were opened in the district for five years. For the purpose of providing medical institutions with staff; 44 physicians were arrived to the district according to the "Zemskiy Doctor" Program for five years.
There are 85 institutions of culture and art in the Tuapse municipal district. A new judo hall was opened in the city of Tuapse in 2015.
Almost 100 thousand square meters of housing are commissioned in the district annually, of which more than 75% are individual residential houses.
A number of projects for the modernization and repair of facilities of housing and utility, road and improvement were completed, as well as public transportation and gasification were systematically developed in the Tuapse municipal district over the past five years.
The achieved level of social and economic development makes the Tuapse municipal district attractive for migrants. The number of residents of the district increased by 2.5 thousand people for five years. Currently, there are more than 130 thousand people in the district. 58 thousand people (45% of the population) are employed in the economy of the district. 38,576 pensioners (29.7% of the district’s permanent population) live in the district.